Krakonos in cooperation with a water club Loko Trutnov, Sokol Harta Vrchlabi, EKC (Extreme Kazak Club) and CNAWR (Czech National Association of Whitewater Rodeo) set up a second race of Czech Cup in Kayak cross. The race was held in the centre of Vrchlabi on the river-part called Vrchlabi gap.
Vrchlabí gap definitely belongs to one of the hardest river parts in the CZ. Most of the people carry it over with a respect. But the best Czech paddlers compete there on Saturday. They paddled on plastic kayaks specially designed for hard conditions and highly blocked and steep creeks and waterfalls.
The start point was above the weir. After going down the weir there was a rapid beyond the crucial place. The competitors went through a wave, then roll and drop with a great back rapid classified WW 4-5 (on a scale 1-6). This part was followed by a section of easier rapids. The finish point was by the road bridge. The whole track had about 400 metres.
Nearly 50 paddlers came to check out their abilities in sprint, slalom and then in kayak cross. There was also a team race on Sunday.
Sprint is a straightforward go down the river as fast as possible, slalom is pretty similar to normal slalom but there were only four gates presented by “touch banners”. The first one was hanged right above the weir, so the paddlers had to take a straight line and hit the banner, while jumping a one-meter-high drop. The rest of banners was laid on the banks.
Second banner was placed on the left side above the crucial place. The competitors, who didn’t make the run across the rapid to the other side and didn’t touch the banner, were penalized. The third banner was on the right bank in the back rapid and the fourth was also on the right bank just before the finish point. Slalom checked paddler’s power and abilities.
The very same day in the afternoon was also held the race in kayak cross. Group of four competitors went down the river and the first 2 made it into the next run. It went like that untill 4 paddlers ended up in final fight. Sometimes the spectaculars could see really big mess when 4 people paddled together into big holes. Luckily everyone had on his mind that this sport is rather dangerous and no one got hurt
After the organisers counted first three results, the paddlers ended up in this order: K1 Men 1st place Viki Legat, 2nd place Honza ”Zajic” Lasko and 3rd Mira Kodada. Lenka Novotna was 1st in K1 Women, 2nd was Lenka Borovickova and 3rd was Katerina Migdauova. Matej Vesely won C1 category, 2nd was Jiri Bolehovsky and 3rd was Artur Beier.
Announcement of the results was followed by a generous tombola, where the first prize was a new kayak. Party and a life concert then closed an awesome day.
Sunday brought a “team race”, which went through part called “S turn” and finished in Vrchlabi- about 5.5km. The winner was “Devils Team” ( Mira Kodada, Jakub Nemec and Jiri Kopecny)
There is a big thanks to all organisers, as the race was perfectly done. Thought to a great attraction of this young new sport we hope to see more people in the kayaks as well as on the banks. Stay tuned because you definitely will hear more about Czech Cup in Kayak Cross
Krakonos: myth figure that looks after the Krkonose Mountains
foto: Petr Prause