Alpine Rivers Freestyle Cup 2011 - Pilsen Kalikovak

Pilsen´s playspot “Kalikovak” will be hosting 4th event of Alpine Rivers Freestyle Cup which will also be a final event of CNAWR tour (Czech National series). September 3rd. - 4th. 2011

Water level is guaranteed from Wednesday for free training. On Friday, you can perfect your combos till late night at halogen spotlights or you can just relax and register at the non-smoking pub “Na potravinach”. On Saturday, event will proceed as usual: registration, qualification, afternoon semifinals and party right at the island next to the spot.

DJ´s Professor Ikebara and Zelvin will crank up their vinyls, beverages and refreshments served by Kalikovsky Mlyn restaurant.

For everybody who gathers enough strength after party, there will be tiny kayak cross race ready on Sunday morning. Run your freestyle boat for juicy jackpot.

At the noon, the best five paddlers from each category will compete for national and Alpine River cups. Final ceremony including raffle will conclude the event at 3PM.

Camping is allowed either at a garden or on the island next to the spot (without cars), or traditionally on a parking lot. Map is
here . Starting fee is 12 EUR or 300 CZK plus deposit 20 EUR or 500 CZK for bib. Each competitor will receive a T-shirt and free meal. You can pre - register online at: stating your name, team and category, (questions too).

See you there!


Friday 2. 9. 2011

19:00 -22:00 Evening session at halogen spotlights

Saturday 3. 9. 2011

9:00-10:00 Registration

11:00-1600 Qualification K1MJ, K1W, C1, OB, K1M

18:00-19:00 Semifinals K1M

20:00-24:00 Party

Sunday 4. 9. 2011

10:00-11:30 Kayak cross

12:00-14:00 Finals K1MJ, K1W, C1, OB, K1M

15:00 Award ceremony

ARFC Pilsen on Facebook