Czech Team Selection 2009
All kayakers interested in representation of CZ on the World Championship met together at Plattling on Saturday 4th. We firstly planned to run our qualification race at Kuchl but through to the massive level of water there we were forced to move it to Plattling. Thanks to a 2-metres-high water level there, Plattling offered us a decent wave. It was sunny all the day, water was fine and we were just about to start our race.
We contested in 2 “mini” competitions throughout the day. One was on the wave on the right river bank and the other one on the left – in the hole. We used session system and everyone paddled 2 rides in both races.
We had 2 groups – men (but mostly “youngers”) and girls mixed with C1s. As there weren’t much of us we swapped place with judges once we paddled our heat. We shouldn’t forget to mention our head-time-checker Dusan and of course our “Press”, represented by Zdenek, Hanka and Misa
Classification was easy. The winner got as much points as was the number of competitors in his heat (and the loser got 1 point). The points were counted in both races. If the competitors came to the same number of points it was their total score what determined the winner.
- Špindler Jan (11p., total score 2126)
- Vohradský Štěpán (11p., total score 2047)
- Bubník Jan (8p.)
- Langer Jiří (6p.)
- Kučera Martin (3p., total score 674)
- Křivánek Ondra (3p., total score 565)
- Borovičková Lenka (8p)
- Vacková Hana (6p)
- Migdauová Kateřina (3p)
- Šedivá Lucie (2p)
- Červinka Lukáš (4p)
- Liska Jan (2p)
- Martin Kucera and Lucka Sediva are not actually interest in representation but just wanted to race
- Lenka Kucerova is substitute in K1W
- Lukas Reich is the only Junior Men nominated.
- Ondra Krivanek will race a shoot-off with Petr Prause and Jakub Nemec. But he takes his 3 points that he gained at Plattling.
- German repre will hold their qualification race together with competition in Graz and Plattling
photos Míša Mitáčková