Zajímavá fakta o výsledcích Mistrovství světa
Hi Freestylers,
If you look up into the results you can find some pretty interesting information, and I´m almost sure that nobody hasn't written about it. What is most interesting, that first 26 masters (from 71 guys) in K1M competition had achieved result over 1000 points. So you can see, that the level of the competition is seriously high, much higher than any year before. And the most important information is participation of boats brands. Almost all Top 40 had full carbon boats. Down here you can see the list of them with pictures, points in race and number of same boats in race in total.
K-1 Men
1. Final Jackson Dane USA 1,240 - Jackson Kayak
2. Final Csonka Peter SVK 1,233 - Vajda
3. Final Czaplicki Tomasz POL 1,208 - Dagger
4. Final Devred Sebastien FRA 908 - GuiGui
5. Final Ward Alan GBR 780 - Wave Sport
6. Semifinal Craig Jason USA 1,056 - Jackson Kayak
7. Semifinal Dumoulin Mathieu FRA 1,013 - GuiGui
8. Semifinal Jackson Eric USA 1,001 - Jackson Kayak
9. Semifinal Orton Brendan GBR 991 - Pyranha
10. Semifinal Troutman Nicholas CAN 960 - Jackson Kayak
11. Semifinal Bebbington James GBR 1,783 - Dagger
12. Semifinal Fontane Joaquim ESP 1,660 - GuiGui
13. Semifinal Patterson Mike USA 1,539 - Pyranha
14. Quarterfinal Brinkley Andrew GBR 1,468 - Jackson Kayak
15. Quarterfinal Bernard Timothee FRA 1,436 - Jackson Kayak
16. Quarterfinal Matsunaga Kazuya JPN 1,326 - Jackson Kayak
17. Quarterfinal Wright Clay USA 1,309 - Jackson Kayak
18. Quarterfinal Crowe Robert GBR 1,259 - Pyranha
19. Quarterfinal Andrassy Tomas SVK 1,248 - Vajda
20. Quarterfinal Weight James GBR 1,055 - Vajda
21. Quarterfinal Czauderna Bartosz POL 1,466 - Vajda
22. Quarterfinal Kirk Bryan USA 1,343 - Wave Sport
23. First run Kernin Gael FRA 1,273 - Pyranha
24. First run Bloder Marcel AUT 1,089 - Vajda
Participation of boats brands:
1. Jackson Kayak - 8 paddlers
2. Vajda - 5 paddlers
3. Pyranha - 4 paddlers
4. GuiGui - 3 paddlers
5. Dagger - 2 paddlers
5. Wave Sport - 2 paddlers
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