Hi Freestylers,
I´m going to tell you in this article, something about winter kayak freestyle activities. The serious winter is coming also to the freestyle spots. And of course nobody really likes it. Firstly in dry suit you can´t really fit to boat. Secondly nobody is coming to see us during training. After all in this winter, just try to sit next to the playspot and just keep siting for few hours. Comfortable? I don't think so.
So what are the opportunities?
1) Don't be spoiled- And still go to the playspot, despite the winter. (Watch out for exposure to cold)
2) Have some extra money- Than you can go for winter holiday, somewhere abroad. For example on big waves.
3) The most common version – Go to the pool on flatwater.
If we aside first and second point.
Than we can talk about flatwater tricks on pool, also what is big advantage, you can improve your technique to the brilliant. Because pool is perfectly clear, you can easily see all yours moves so you can improve them with every single try.
If you want to participate in some competition, you are kind out of luck because in Czech Republic is any competition like this take place. But when you look to the Poland, there is championship every single year. Which has seriously high level. And you can almost consider it like world championship.
Poland Championship in flatwater
For inspiration here are some tricks which are possible to do on flatwater:
Stern Stall
Bow Stall
Flatwater loop
Here are some videos from freestylers.cz
Flatwater Air loop
Flatwater Huge loop (Just for inspiration, if you make it you are pretty good)
Flatwater Cartwheel
Flatwater Clean Cartwheel
Flatwater Splitwheel
Flatwater TrickyWoo
Flatwater Mcnasty (it hasn't so much in common)
Flatwater Phonics Monkey (Also hasn't so much in common)
Flatwater Space Godzilla
Flatwater Phonics Godzilla
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